Stephanie hardy
Stephanie Hardy, a native of the Magic City of Birmingham, Alabama, enjoys conversation, television and music. However, when she is not engaged in these activities, she is devoted to wrestling.
She is the host and creator of The Hardy Wrestling Podcast, a show dedicated to expressing thoughts about the sports entertainment world in a relaxed and positive environment and highlighting the stories of the people who are its most passionate. Stephanie is also a color commentator whose voice can be heard with promotions such as The BellaDonna Division, Battle Club Pro and Spartan Wrestling. Her proudest achievement so far is calling the action of the all African American women’s event Black Girl Magik 2022 alongside icon Faye Jackson.
Since 2021, Stephanie has served as a host with Women’s Wrestling Talk on the WOW Superheroes and SmackDown Aftershows and uses her writing talents for WWT’s website!
Instagram: @queenstephhardy
Twitter: @QueenStephHardy