It’s Friday night, and you know what that means. Time for another episode of AEW Rampage. Fresh from returning from an eight-month hiatus, the ‘Superbad Girl” Penelope Ford made her return to Rampage, facing off against the undefeated Athena.
The Match
Making her way to the ring, Ford channels her inner Daenerys Targaryen. With silver hair and red and black ring gear, Ford offers some excellent corporate synergy to tie in with the upcoming Dance with Dragons HBO series. As always, Athena looks ostentatious as ever with her handmade metal wings.
Nasty dropkick by Penelope Ford knocks the wind out of Athena! It’s #AEWRampage on TNT! — All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 20, 2022
As with most matches on Rampage, Ford vs Athena was short and to the point. Ford appears to have little ring-rust on her as the two have some great back and forth in the early going. The two exchange counters, with Ford gaining the upper hand when she counted a cazadora into a slingshot on the second rope.
Ford remains in control, with Athena eventually rallying, hitting a fantastic thrust kick to the throat. Heading to the top rope, Athena hits the O-Face for the win as Bag Man, a.k.a. Kip Sabian, watches his wife from the crowd.
The Fallout
TBS Champion and the Baddies, with Stokely Hathaway, are here at #AEWRampage sending a message to Athena in the most despicable way possible. Watch TNT right now. — All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 20, 2022
But the fun isn’t over. The Baddies jumped Athena from behind, allowing Jade Cargill and Stokely Hathaway to saunter down the rampway and put a sledgehammer to Athena’s prized ring attire. To add insult to injury, or in this case, injury to insult, Jade hit Athena with a sledgehammer shot to the stomach as the Baddies look on in glee. The Athena and Jade feud continues.

Final Thoughts
While Ford appears to have not missed a step, the Superbad Girl has been slotted into the same position she had when she left. Ford seems to be used as an enhancement talent to get over more popular stars. While happiness in wrestling can mean different things to different people, it is hard to take Ford seriously when she takes on someone with an ounce of star power. The result, at this point, is almost an inevitable defeat.
The war between Athena and Jade continues. Starting three months ago with the arrival of Athena in AEW, this feud has been drawn out for too long, with little ebb or flow to the story. While the inevitable match at All Out will be great, I cannot wait to see Jade and Athena move on to bigger and better things. It is well overdue.
Those are my thoughts. But what did you think? Was this a good return for Penelope Ford? Has the Jade and Athena feud gone on for too long? Let us know what you think. We love hearing from you.