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  • Awesome Kong Talks About GLOW & AEW

    Hosts (TK Trinidad & Evan Mack ) of Women’s Wrestling Weekly break down the latest on Women’s Wrestling News, gives you a roundup on everything that is going on in the women’s wrestling scene, and Awesome Kong aka Kia Stevens from the hit show GLOW and AEW joins us. #wrestlingrankings #womenswrestling #wrestlingpodcast #womenswrestlingtalk #AEW #Impact

  • WWE Superstar Bayley Talks About Her Rise To Become the Smackdown WWE Women’s Champion

    Hosts (TK Trinidad & Evan Mack ) of Women’s Wrestling Weekly break down the latest on Women’s Wrestling News, gives you a roundup on everything that is going on in the women’s wrestling scene and WWE Superstar Bayley joins us to talk about her rise to become the Smackdown WWE Women’s Champion. #wrestlingblog #prowrestling #wrestlingrankings #womenswrestling #wrestling #wrestlingpodcast #WWE

  • Karen BamBam Renee Talks About Creating Her Own Space In Wrestling

    Women’s Wrestling Talk catches up with Karen BamBam Renee and talks about creating her own space in wrestling her experience with COVID & financial literacy advice for her fellow wrestlers! #wrestlingblog #prowrestling #wrestlingrankings #womenswrestling #wrestlingpodcast #womenswrestlingtalk

  • Rachelle Riveter About Being A Mother & A Wrestler

    Women’s Wrestling Talk catches up with Rachelle Riveter about being a mother and a wrestler, the advice she got from other wrestling moms, her experience with COVID & financial literacy advice for her fellow wrestlers! #prowrestling #womenswrestling #womenswrestlingtalk #wrestlingpodcast

  • Referee Allison Leigh Talks About How She Became The First Female Ref On Championship Wrestling from

    Women’s Wrestling Talk catches up with Referee Allison Leigh and she talks about how she became the first female ref on Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, who her famous mentor is, & her desire to break even more barriers! #wrestlingblog #womenswrestling #wrestling #womenswrestlingtalk #WWE

  • Pan Afrikan World Diaspora Champion Trish Adora Talks About Her Intergender Iron Man Match Against T

    Women’s Wrestling Talk catches up with Pan Afrikan World Diaspora Champion Trish Adora and talks about her intergender Iron Man match against Tony Deppen, her experience in Japan, her big match with Jazz & much more! #prowrestling #wrestlingrankings #womenswrestling #womenswrestlingtalk #Impact

  • Leyla Hirsch Talks About How She Landed At AEW

    Women’s Wrestling Talk catches up with AEW Superstar, Leyla Hirsch about how she landed at AEW, which woman or man she wants to face next, Hana Kimura’s passing, which veteran of the wrestling industry gives the best advice and much more! #wrestlingblog #womenswrestling #wrestling #womenswrestlingtalk #WWE

  • Vickie Guerrero and talks differences between AEW & WWE

    Women’s Wrestling Talk catches up with legendary manager, Vickie Guerrero and talks differences between AEW & WWE, the advice Goldust gave her, who else she wants to manage at AEW, advice she had for Shaul Guerrero and much more! #prowrestling #VickieGuerrero #womenswrestling #womenswrestlingtalk

  • Rok-C’s First ROH Women’s Championship Defense

    On this week’s episode of Ring of Honor TV on FITE TV, viewers were finally able to see Rok-C’s first title defense against an up incoming star in the business, former MCW champion Gia Scott. The prematch interviews showed a fiery Gia, who made it clear that she was not only worthy of the ROH Women’s title but that the absence of Gia the Women of Honor summer tournament was a slight from Maria Kanellis and that she is the best damn woman in that ring. ROk-C states that she knows that withholding the women’s title is a target on her back and is confident that she will come out strong in this title defense. After entering the ring, Gia immediately intimidates Rok-C, poking fun of the height distance between the two ladies. However, the champ brushes it off. Rock-C starts to lay on some effective headlocks early on. The sheer power that Gia has is impressive as she tries to wipe away every one of Rok-C’s attempted takedowns as if she was a gnat that she could pluck away. A hard shove to the turnbuckle and a side Russian leg sweep couldn’t take Rok-C out. Rock-C goes to submissions to try and take the win. It looked like Rok-c had Scoot out, but Gia hit a beautifully vicious spear to buy some time. A confident Scott takes a little too long to go in for the kill, but Rok-C pulls out one more submission hold and takes home the win. A stunned Gia Scott lays out on the mat devastated, and a victorious Rok-C retrieves her belt to bask in her success. Gia Scott may not have gotten the win, but she proved that she is a wrestler with the brawn, guts, confidence, power, and mic skills to make it far in this business. Rok-C proved in this match that her title win was not a fluke and that she is willing to take on all comers. Big or small. Newcomers or veterans in the game. Whenever competitors underestimate her, it always backfires. The champ plays it cool and then goes in for the last strike. Be sure to watch ROH Final Battle: End of an Era to see if Rok-C will defend her title against Willow Nightingale or Mandy Leon on December 11 on Honor Club or FITE TV. #ROH #RokC

  • #AEWDark Recap: Women’s Wrestling Continues To Dominate

    AEW Dark Women’s Matches Straight off the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, AEW Dark brings us another action-packed episode of their weekly Youtube show. We are treated to four women’s matches! Kilynn King vs. Renee Michelle, La Rosa Negra vs. Sky Blue, Riyo Mizunami vs. Dani Jordyn, and Julia Hart vs. Nikita Knight. Kilynn King vs. Renee Michelle In this episode, Ohio Native Kilynn King and one-half of the hell-on-heels tag team, Renee Michelle, battled it out. Renee watched Kilynn enter the ring as a cat would a mouse while draped on the ropes with her legs crossed. Both women tried to test their strength by locking up but saw that it was pointless and decided to talk trash to each other instead. Kilynn tries to lock up again, but Michelle mushes her in the face, to.. you know. Show how much of a professional she is. This tactic works and gets this match into full gear. Renee throws some elbows, yells at the referee(which Taz, who is on commentary, is in full support), and even throws in some choking with her boot to King’s neck. The battle of the kicks was underway soon after, but eventually, Michelle ended that. A brutal German suplex puts Kilynn back into the game. She pins Renee but can’t get the win. So, she tries her finisher, the kingdom falls, and she gets the success she wants. King promptly kicks Renee Michelle out of the ring and smirks as her hand is lifted. La Rosa Negra vs Skye Blue No one was more excited than me to see La Rosa Negra’s debut. La Rosa was ready to bring that fire in her sparkly orange ring gear as Skye Blue came into the ring with a bright smile. Rosa wiped that smile off with a few hard blows, and a spine buster showed that she was there to go to work. Skye Blue goes to the ropes to use some fast high flying moves and back leg kicks to slow down her opponent. A belly-to-belly doesn’t win Skye, but a modified flat liner has LA Rosa Negra seeing stars. This was a very, very short match. I wasn’t expecting La Rosa to win in her debut match, but I believe that both women deserved a least four more minutes to show what they could do. Riyo Mizunami vs Dani Jordyn Dani Jordyn starts this match playing mind games by breaking out her ‘burn book,’ as she calls it, and shows that she has a page for Riyo. This works to take away Riyo’s attention, and Dani works to get a pin. This does not work as planned, and Riyo gains control and brings some brutal chops to Riho in the corner. There is no doubt that Mizunami has a size and power advantage as she quickly lays in a leg drop and a power slam to get the win. Riyo poses with the referee while putting on her shades to show she didn’t even break a sweat. I’m very impressed with Riyo, and I think she should be seen as a threat on the women’s roster for the upcoming year. ‘Legit’ Leyla Hirsch vs. Sahara Seven The other half of the Hell on Hells tag team, Sahara Seven, takes on the technically savvy Leyla Hirsch. Hirsch immediately comes into the match and wants to get Sahara down on the mat. Sahara decides to use her brute force and a little eye-gouging to get control. Sahara is wise to use her size to scoop up Hirsch easily. However, the ever-so-quick Leyla gets out of the grasp of Seven and lays on her signature arm submission, and that is bye-bye for Sahara. Julia Hart vs. Nikita Knight Nikita Knight and Julia Hart don’t waste time at the beginning of this match to put some arm locks. Julia plays victim for a minute on the ropes to get some breathing room from Nikita. Hart uses that time to take over and breaks out an impressive standing moonsault. The former two-time national cheerleader uses her agility and flexibility to her advantage. Surprisingly, after this moonsault, Julia doesn’t quickly go for the pin. She takes time to pose and hear the crowd cheer. This was, of course, not the smartest thing to do because Nikita gains all of her faculties, picks Hart up, and drops her directly on her head. Julia appears fine but still favors her head for a few minutes. Hart doesn’t skip a beat though, after that tough blow, she was able to deliver a standing split, jawbreaker, and finally a bulldog to take home the win. I love that AEW Dark and Elevation allows more women to be showcased and gives more viewers worldwide access to their weekly programming, but the time for these matches needs to be a little longer. Be sure to check out another episode of AEW Dark next Tuesday at 7 pm. #AEW #AEWDark

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