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Whether their faction was viewed more off-screen than on, The Four Horsewomen of WWE will forever go down as one of the greatest factions of all time. Since their days together in NXT, these four women have changed the mold of women’s wrestling, especially in WWE. Stephanie McMahon introduced Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Sasha Banks to the red brand, redefining the game of the women’s division as we know it today. During this time, Bayley was still in NXT, later being introduced to the main roster. Once the four were back together, the destruction and domination continued.

In case you did not know or just forgot:

Charlotte Flair is the first WWE RAW Women’s Champion

Becky Lynch is the first WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion

Sasha Banks and Bayley are the first WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

Together, the four horsewomen have a total of four NXT Women’s Championship reigns, a WWE Divas Championship reign, 14 WWE Raw Women’s Championship reigns, 13 WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship reigns, and two WWE Tag Team Women’s Championship reigns. Charlotte, Sasha, and Becky have all been a part of the main event of WrestleMania while Bayley made her own history in the main event of NXT Takeover.

They have made history together and separately over the years, continuing their domination while breaking down even more doors. It is safe to say that The Era of The Four Horsewomen is far from over. Thus far, the one thing that I have loved the most is seeing the feuds created amongst the four.

The Queen vs. The Boss

This is the first legitimate feud we got from the four on the main roster. Time and time again, these two women went back and forth and proved to everyone that they were here to make a statement. People can say what they want about this feud, however, it will go down as one of the greatest feuds in women’s wrestling history. These women went from the main event to the main event from program to program, giving the women’s evolution even more growth and depth in progression.

The anticipation for Sasha to finally beat Charlotte kept fans on the edge of their seats. There is an importance in the way one of the matches ended in the crowd and absorbed the entire arena. We need this feud again and many were expecting this match to happen at WrestleMania. I am going to be patient for now and await the revisit because it is a fact that when they get together, a masterpiece is formed every single time.

The Man vs. The Opportunity

Since Summerslam 2018, the feud between Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch has been at the top of conversations. This past Survivor Series, we took a trip back to this feud and added even more turmoil to their history. This time, the story spilled out of the ring and gave the story in the ring more passion and excitement for some. The promos took us back to the beginning of it all. My favorite match from this feud is their meeting at WWE Women’s Evolution. Everything in this match created their path to WrestleMania 35 when Becky became “Becky Two Belts.” In my opinion, Charlotte Flair should be given more credit for her help in building The Man as a character during this feud, but we’ll leave that conversation for April.

The Role Model vs. The Standard

Bayley and Sasha have one of the biggest feuds of NXT history. Many would say that their match at TakeOver Brooklyn is one of the greatest matches of TakeOver history. The first-ever Iron Women Match between the two stole the show and changed the game along the way. Sasha and Bayley talked about the importance of this match and how they planned to break barriers to the representation of women in wrestling. There were spots in this match that women were not even allowed to make. These women took that risk to push back and prove that the women were just as good as any man in wrestling. This feud is important to the growth we see in the Women’s Evolution and the history of NXT.

The Women of the Cell

One thing that stands out to me is that each of the four horsewomen has entered Hell in the Cell. The first-ever women’s Hell in a Cell was also the first-ever time we saw a women’s main event on a major pay-per-view. From Sahsa versus Bayley to Becky versus Sasha, here is my ranking of each match from most favorite to least favorite:

#1 Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks

#2 Sasha Banks vs. Bayley

#3 Bianca Belair vs. Bayley

#4 Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

Another article discussing and breaking down the importance of Charlotte and Sasha Banks’ match at Hell in the Cell will be dropping later this month. Be sure to check out more articles discussing the history of women’s wrestling exclusively here on Women’s Wrestling Talk!

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