NXT – January 24

Indi Hartwell vs. Tiffany Stratton
As Tiffany is making her entrance, Indi attacks her from behind. Tiffany falls outside, and Indi follows her. Indi chops Tiffany and then hits Tiffany’s head on the apron, pushing her to enter the ring. Once the bell rings, Indi picks up and takes Tiffany to a corner for a few shoulder tackles until the referee stops her. Indi pushes Tiffany to the mat twice, followed by a drop kick and pin attempt. Tiffany is pleading to Indi, extending her hand for Indi to shake as Indi drops it on the mat and stomps it.

Indi goes after Tiffany, she pushes Indi towards the turnbuckles, Tiffany runs after her but she reverses it into a pin attempt, Tiffany kicks Indi’s midsection, runs after Indi who then pushes Tiffany to the outside, Tiffany is climbing the apron, Indi is pulling her hair, but Tiffany is able to use the ropes against Indi’s arm and pulls Indi’s hair so her head is on the canvas. Tiffany uses the ropes as leverage for a standing sault and then a pin attempt.
Indi takes some shots at Tiffany. Stratton kicks Indi’s midsection then throws her to the middle rope as Tiffany runs the ropes to hit Indi with a hip attack and pin attempt. Tiffany had a submission locked in, kicking Indi’s midsection as she tried to escape, then pushing Indi to a corner, where she hits Indi’s arm on the mat and runs the ropes to hit Indi with a stomp followed by a pin attempt.

She locks in a submission. Indi takes a shot at Tiffany’s midsection to attempt an escape, but Tiffany locks it in again. Indi escapes, Tiffany runs to her but is kicked in the midsection, followed by an elbow and a shot from Indi who is fired up with several clotheslines to Tiffany. Indi picks up Tiffany for a spine buster and a pin attempt.
Indi pulls Tiffany to the apron as she is hanging from the middle rope. Indi hits an uppercut followed by a knee, and she pulls Tiffany to a corner, but Tiffany is able to jump over Indi to avoid the contact. Indi kicks Tiffany’s knee, then hits her with a big boot. Tiffany is clutching her knee as the referee checks on her and advises Indi to back up. The referee signals for medical assistance; Indi is distracted by that; Tiffany runs to her with an elbow, then sets up Indi for her moonsault finisher and pin attempt, and Tiffany is victorious.

Astrid’s Point
I knew this would be a great match to show Tiffany’s return; Indi was certainly the perfect person to assist her in the process, and her moonsault looked incredible.
Sheeesh, tell us how you really feel @jacyjaynewwe 😳#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/iVwb2Oep7L — WWE (@WWE) January 25, 2023
Jacy Jayne Interview
McKenzie asks about last week’s events, and Jacy comments on McKenzie calling Gigi “her partner.” Jacy says, “You might think it was miscommunication; I call it an awakening. See, it was in that moment that I realized I had been carrying Gigi Dolin since the moment we formed this group. I’m done! I mean, check the receipts; I’m the reason Toxic Attraction held on to Tag Team Gold for almost a year. “Gigi Dolin has done nothing but anchor me down for far too long, and I refuse to let her stop me from becoming the NXT Women’s Champion at Vengeance Day.” McKenzie asks Jacy what we can expect from the summit, to which she replies, “Something you’ve never seen before,” as she exits the interview.
Astrid’s Point
When Jacy started trash talking Gigi, I knew it was part of a plan to make it appear as if there was friction between them when there was actually a plan between both of them.

Fallon Henley & Kiana James vs. Tatum Paxley & Ivy Nile
Fallon asks Kiana backstage if she’s ready; Kiana says she will start the match; Fallon doesn’t agree with it, looks at Brooks, and Kiana changes her mind and tells Fallon she’s excited for the match.

Fallon and Kiana have miscommunications about who should start the match; at first, they go back and forth. Ivy wraps her arms around Fallon’s waist; she’s wrestling on the mat with her; Fallon is able to stand; Ivy wraps her leg around Fallon’s arm and is able to take her down, using that position for a pin attempt. Ivy has Fallon in place until she tags in Tatum. They have a double team move, stretching and hitting Fallon’s arms on the mat. Tatum runs after Fallon, who pushes her out of the way. Tatum is standing on the apron, and Fallon goes to take a shot at her, but Tatum is able to hold her and take one of her own.

Tatum is using the ropes to stand up, kicking Fallon away until she’s able to hit her with a drop kick and pin attempt. Fallon has a headlock on Tatum; she’s able to back up until she arrives in her corner, and Kiana tags herself in. Fallon goes for a clothesline, but Tatum avoids it, then isn’t able to avoid Kiana’s, and is followed by a kick from Fallon. Kiana is taking shots and kicking Tatum in a corner, then she hits him with a shoulder tackle. She holds Tatum, kicking her ribs to set up for a submission, but Tatum is able to escape, throwing Kiana over on the mat.

Tatum is crawling to her corner, and Kiana is holding on to her, preventing her from reaching Ivy. Tatum kicks Kiana, and Fallon is able to tag herself in just as Tatum tags in Ivy, who begins by hitting Fallon with several kicks, then a shoulder tackle, followed by throwing Fallon on the mat. Ivy goes for her running kick, but Fallon hits her with a kick; she picks up Ivy, who is able to reverse it just as Kiana comes from behind, distracting the referee with Tatum; Kiana uses the opportunity to push Ivy on the mat; Tatum runs to push Kiana away; she falls outside. Tatum is kicked out of the ring, Ivy runs to the ropes, Kiana sweeps her off of her feet, and Fallon hits Ivy with a kick as Kiana is holding Tatum from breaking the pin. Fallon and Kiana are victorious. Briggs is telling Fallon about Kiana pulling Ivy’s hair, and Fallon seems confused at first as she learns about it.

Well what do you know, @kianajames_wwe and @FallonHenleyWWE may make this team thing actually work!#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/poxfpGHEbI — WWE (@WWE) January 25, 2023
Astrid’s Point
I was hoping this match would be longer than it was, but I enjoyed watching Fallon and Kiana team up; I had a feeling it wasn’t just for one occasion.
Gigi Dolin Interview
McKenzie asks about Jacy’s comments earlier, and Gigi says, “I’m a little surprised, but I’m not shocked; she’s always the first with something to say, always the first to cast her stones.” “Jacy Jayne is a bad person, plain and simple.”
“I am nothing like her; do you understand me?” “Sure, I might be a little dark, but McKenzie, what am I holding?” she asks. McKenzie says, “A rose.” Gigi says, “What are these sharp things here along the stem?” McKenzie replies, “Those would be thorns.” Gigi says, “Very good. Thorns can be very dangerous if you are distracted by the petals, but they are not hiding, so my tag partner can say whatever the hell she wants about me. I have nothing to hide, and honestly, I can’t wait to look at Jacy in the eyes tonight and give her a piece of my mind.
Astrid’s Point
As earlier with Jacy, I knew this was a plan between them, and I was waiting to see when and how it would unfold with Roxanne in the mix.

Elektra Lopez vs. Wendy Choo
Before the match begins, we see footage from Elektra’s earlier chat with Valentina Feroz. Elektra asks if she remembers what she said last week; Valentina replies, “Fight to win, fight for respect.” Elektra tells her she doesn’t want Valentina to watch it backstage; she wants her to be at ringside to witness it firsthand.
They begin with a lockup until Elektra backs Wendy to the ropes, and the referee gives her until the count of five to separate. Elektra signals to Wendy, and they lock up again until Elektra hits Wendy’s face on the mat. She pushes Wendy’s face away, and Wendy wraps her around Elektra’s waist, but Elektra is able to break free. Elektra approaches Wendy, suplexes her, Valentina makes her way to the ring, and Elektra yells, “Watch and learn.”

Wendy is by the commentary table; Elektra pushes Wendy’s face away and throws Wendy’s pillow towards her, but Wendy ducks and it hits Booker T instead. Elektra takes a shot at Wendy; Elektra picks up Wendy, but she’s able to wiggle out for a pin attempt. Elektra goes after Wendy; she’s able to set up a roll-up pin; Elektra kicks Wendy’s midsection; Wendy bounces off the ropes with a kick to Elektra.
Wendy takes down Elektra, runs from one corner to the other with a kick for Elektra, pushes her towards the center of the ring, Wendy runs and is caught by Elektra, who swings her with a uranage and hits her knee to the back of Wendy’s head a few times.

Elektra clotheslines Wendy, who drops an elbow and makes a pin attempt. Elektra has a submission lock locked in with her legs wrapped around Wendy’s abdomen; Wendy reverses it into a pin, but Elektra bounces back and begins to pull Wendy’s hair. Wendy begins to pull Elektra’s leg away from her and elbows Elektra’s face. Elektra goes after her, but Wendy stops her, taking two shots at her, followed by one to Elektra’s midsection, a knee, and another shot, and ending with a clothesline.
Wendy takes Elektra down, then pulls her towards a corner; Elektra reverses it; Wendy elbows her and climbs the ropes for her crossbody and pin attempt. Elektra goes to the corner, pulling the brass knuckles from her attire. The referee is distracted with Valentina as Elektra hits Wendy with a right hand, followed by a pin attempt and victory. Valentina isn’t happy with Elektra doing this, and Elektra tells her, “I told you so.”
After the match, they’re chatting backstage. Valentina tells Elektra that she “plays dirty” and she isn’t sure if she can do that to Wendy. Elektra asks why, and Valentina tells her that they are friends. Elektra tells her, “Dirty gets the job done, and no one is going to do the job for you, so you can keep your friends, and I’ll just keep winning.”
Astrid’s Point
This part has made me excited, as I am hoping for a Latina faction in NXT. It would be really cool to witness that.
Briggs, Jensen, Fallon and Kiana segment
Briggs is discussing Fallon and Kiana’s victory earlier; Brooks arrives to congratulate her; Fallon inquires about the next steps for them now that she has teamed up with Kiana, as she had promised it would be a one-time thing. Brooks went to Shawn Michaels’ office, and Briggs is surprised he was able to talk to him. Briggs said his idea was for Fallon and Kiana to go against Katana and Kayden for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships at Vengeance Day. Fallon is upset he didn’t ask her about this, adding it was a one-time thing. Brooks says they did great together, and she said she’d do anything for him. Fallon says she feels blindsided and will think about it.
Astrid’s Point
I did not expect Briggs to be the one to get Fallon and Kiana the championship match and how easily that would come about, but I am looking forward to seeing what happens.
Stevie Turner Interview
McKenzie announces she was supposed to interview Stevie but she was a no-show. Stevie shows up on the screen behind her, which makes McKenzie ask if she thought she was going on set for the interview, to which Stevie replies, “I am on set.” As she looks on at her streaming set up, McKenzie clarifies that she meant in person. Stevie rolls her eyes and then says she has some questions to be answered. Question from NTD1987: “Hey Stevie, when can we expect you in the ring?” Stevie replies, “Next week will be my NXT debut.” McKenzie asks if she knows her opponent, but Stevie stops her to answer another question from her stream. PhillyKirsh asks, “Who are you most looking forward to facing?” Stevie says, “Great one, Kirsh.” Obviously, Roxanne is the champion, but I have a feeling she won’t keep her title past Vengeance Day. “See, McKenzie, this was a much better way to do it.”
Astrid’s Point
I enjoyed having Stevie’s interview as part of her stream, looking forward to her debut next week and seeing how she targeted Roxanne so quickly as well as how she responded about Roxanne not having her title past Vengeance Day.

Alba Fyre vs. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter – NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship
Before the match begins, the referee asks Alba if she is sure about continuing the match by herself, and she nods. As Kayden and Alba are about to begin, Sol’s music starts, and she stands on Alba’s corner to be her partner.
Alba and Kayden lock up until Kayden is able to reverse it. Alba lands as she is standing up. They go to lock up again, Alba kicks Kayden this time, Alba sets up for the Gory Bomb, Kayden reverses it into a roll-up pin, and Alba is able to grab her by the neck to pull her up for a clothesline. Alba goes after Kayden, who kicks Alba, who then enzuigiris Alba, followed by a tag to Katana. Kayden pulls Alba towards the ropes as Katana runs to sweep Alba off of her feet. Kayden kicks her, followed by Katana doing a sault and pin attempt.

Katana has Alba in place; she runs backwards to her corner for Kayden to tag in. Alba kicks Kayden, then throws her back on the mat and kicks her several times, followed by a few shots. She seems conflicted by what just happened. Alba goes to grab Kayden, she pushes Alba away, she lands by the ropes, Sol tags herself in.
Sol has a headlock on Kayden, pushing her towards the ropes. Sol returns with a shoulder tackle, and Kayden is on the mat. Sol bounces off the ropes and skips over Kayden with a handstand; Kayden runs after her, but Sol leapfrogs over her. Kayden pursues Sol; she uses her gymnastics background to avoid Kayden, then wraps her arms around Sol’s waist, Sol reverses it to a headlock, Kayden pushes her towards the ropes, Kayden attempts an arm drag, Sol reverses it, and then hits Kayden with a split neck breaker, leaving Kayden outside the ring.

Alba is standing on the apron while Sol is looking at Kayden, and Katana is checking on her partner. Alba kicks Katana in the midsection and throws her towards the steel steps, which upsets Sol.
Sol has her arms wrapped around Katana’s waist; Katana elbows her to break free; Sol uses Katana in a slam, but Katana was able to reverse it and land on her feet. Katana goes after Sol, who picks her up over her head; Katana wiggles out of it. Sol runs after Katana; she crawls under Sol to her corner; Sol turns around; Katana hits her with an enzuigiri; they both tag their partners. Alba goes to clothesline Kayden, but she’s able to avoid it, going after Sol instead of Alba. Kayden takes a shot at Sol, then pulls Alba to a corner, where she lands in front of him. Kayden runs with an elbow to Alba, who collapses; Kayden then runs to drop kick Sol and land on Alba.

Alba is leaning on the bottom rope; Kayden kicks Alba, then tags Katana. Kayden sets Alba up to hang from the middle rope as Katana climbs the post, hitting Alba with a double stomp and pin attempt. Alba takes a shot at Katana, pulling her towards the ropes; Alba goes after her, but Katana kicks her away; Kayden tags herself in. Alba is going after Katana, who ducks, so Kayden is able to kick Alba, and Katana is behind her, crotched down, so she falls after stumbling on Katana. Kayden pushes Alba to the middle of the ring. Katana has her legs wrapped around Kayden’s neck, and with her assistance, she’s able to hit Alba with a splash, followed by Kayden with a pin attempt.
Kayden holds on to Alba, she kicks Kayden so she lets her go, runs to take a shot at Katana, Alba hits Kayden with a Gord Buster and tags in Sol. Ruca stands on the ropes and jumps with a splash onto Kayden for a pin attempt, but Katana breaks up the pin. Alba has Katana, who reverses it and throws her to the ropes; Alba grabs Katana’s legs from the bottom rope, and Katana kicks her to get away. Katana uses the ropes for a head scissors to Alba as she hits the steel steps in the process. Sol is distracted when she realizes what happened, and Kayden sets her up with a roll-up followed by a kick, a super kick, and tagging Katana. Kayden has Sol in place for their finisher and pin attempt; Katana and Kayden retain.

After the match, Alba is in a trace, walking towards the entrance; Sol is confused until we see Isla Dawn standing there; Alba walks backstage, followed by Isla.

Fallon and Kiana are up on the stage, and Fallon says, “I thought about it; me and Kiana will see you at Vengeance Day.”

Astrid’s Point
I expected Isla to arrive in the middle of the match to tag with Alba, Sol was a surprise, but I enjoyed how they worked together, it was interesting to see Alba walking backstage and Isla following her, are they becoming a team now?
Cora Jade Interview/Nikkita Lyons Segment
McKenzie said Cora wasn’t on set so came to her for the interview, Cora replies, “I’m the superstar, not you, we do it on my time, not yours.” McKenzie would like her comments on the Battle Royal last week and Cora’s issue with Lyra, “Look, Lyra it’s going to be a very integral part of the NXT women’s division but she needs to learn her place, I’ll very happily be the one to teach her that valuable lesson, no matter how great that bird brain is, she’s not better than me and nor will she ever be better than me.” Cora finds a feather in her locker room, Vic is attempting to get McKenzie’s attention as something has occurred in the parking lot, Cora isn’t happy that she was interrupted due to this. Nikkita is seen on the ground, crying as she was attacked, a car had just left the parking lot, Zoey and Lash Legend are seen walking in the background as Indi and Lyra arrive to check on her and scream for medical to assist.
Astrid’s Point
It was quite interesting to see Nikkita like this in the parking lot, it’s no surprise being the NXT parking lot but having Zoey and Lash in the background and a car just leaving the area too, if it was Zoey she would have said it instead of hiding in plain sight so I doubt it was her.

Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne, Roxanne Perez – NXT Women’s Championship Summit
Gigi begins, “I’m sure Jacy would love to start, she’s sitting on some witty pun that she’s waiting to use, tell everyone how great you are.” Jacy continues, “Everyone already knows that these people have watched me carry your ass for the last year and a half. That kick last week was an accident, but now I wish it wasn’t. “Gigi, I’ll admit, you’re good, but from the day we signed our contracts, I held you on my back. I dragged you to success—the t-shirt sales, the championship wins—and if it wasn’t for me, you’d be just another YouTube sensation, a one-hit wonder, living on the independent scene.” We see Roxanne snickering, enjoying how it’s all unfolding. Gigi replies, “You know what I love about you, Jacy? I love this external confidence you have, when the camera is on, Jacy Jayne can conquer it all, she’s a rockstar, she has the resume but what everyone doesn’t know is that behind those curtains, you’re the most insecure person that I’ve ever met. You know, I wasn’t going to bring this up but why not since we’re already shooting from the hip here. Jacy gets so nervous before her matches, she has to puke in a bucket in the back, there’s actually one with her name on it, next to the…” Gigi is interrupted by Jacy.

“My insecurities? What do you have a fun house mirror? Gigi nothing you say is true because you’re nothing more than a pathological liar,” Jacy says. Gigi replies, “I’m a pathological liar? Who is going to hold your hair back when you’re puking your guts out at Vengeance Day because I’m too busy holding this NXT Women’s title,” Booker T interrupts as him and Roxanne are enjoying this.

Booker T asks Roxanne for her thoughts, “You got some popcorn because honestly, I am enjoying the hell out of this. You two have thrown insults at every single woman in that locker room, you’ve made fun of their personality, their looks, their work, everything, not to mention you’ve made my life a living hell so yeah, I’m glad you two are feeling the same way you’ve made every single woman feel, karma is a toxic bitch. I thought it was going to be a handicap match at Vengeance Day but it looks like it’s going to be a real triple threat, yeah, odds are still against me but I am going to walk into Vengeance Day and walk out the NXT Womens’…” Gigi interrupts, “Roxanne, that’s where you’re wrong, you will have to run, sweetheart. You like to walk around asking like you’re such a big girl. On Vengeance Day, you will make history, you’ll become the shortest reign in NXT Women’s Champion of all time but the funny thing is, I don’t even have to beat you, I can pin you,” as she signals to Jacy. “I can beat you,” Jacy signals to Gigi, “and if history says anything, that’s not very hard to do, I’d like to amend that saying, that there’s Toxic Attraction and everybody else, something more like, there’s Jacy Jayne and you two and everybody else.” Gigi says, “Of course you are still holding onto Toxic Attraction because it’s the only thing that made your ass relevant, just like you were a third wheel in that group, you’re going to be a third wheel in this match.”
Gigi and Jacy stand up, coming closer to each other until they’re standing right in front of Roxanne, they stop screaming and smile, both focusing on Roxanne, they throw her face on the table, taking shots at Roxanne then kicking her a few tines, they pick her up for a double chokeslam on the table, Gigi picks up the championship on one end, Jacy holds the other as their music plays.

Astrid’s Point
I enjoyed how this all happened, I wasn’t expecting the reveal to happen on the same night. The back and forth between Gigi and Jacy was incredible, loved seeing Roxanne enjoying it all alongside Booker T as she thought this would be a triple threat but she was mistaken, however, who says this won’t happen when the gold is actually on the line? Gigi and Jacy would have to face each other eventually during the match as I expect Roxanne to pin one of them for her victory, I can’t wait for Vengeance Day.